Thursday, December 23, 2010

Snakes related omens and their myths

       Snakes are believed to be the most deadly reptile and perhaps out of fear, it is called ‘Nagdevta’ or the ‘snake-deity’. The Hindus worship black cobra because it forms the garland round lord Shiva neck. Lord Vishnu is also described to be having his abode on the couch formed by the primal snake ‘Seshnag’ coils. Nag-panchami is the day reserved for snakes worship by the devout Hindus. As a matter of fact, the snake represents both good and evil qualities. It is associated with legends of many religious faiths. At times it represents secrecy and miserliness while, in others, immortality and a source of divine inspirations.
                           In India the snakes, owing to its drastically different qualities is the subject of many legends and myths. There is believed to be a full tribe worshipping snake in Punjab. In ancient days, the snake was considered the king of reptiles. It was so much adored that many accorded snakes full obsequies rituals after their death. Their funeral was celebrated with full ritual, pomp and show.want to read more about snakes and their myths

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